The Mongolia Society’s 2025 Annual Meeting & Panels
October 4, 2025
Embassy of Mongolia to the United States of America, 2833 M Street, NW, Washington, DC 20007
The Society is placing a call for papers for the academic panels. Within our general focus on Mongolian history, language and culture, we particularly invite papers on themes related to this year’s conference theme: “Mongolia in the World: Improving Understanding Through Interdisciplinary Perspectives.”
Abstracts from individuals and fully formed panels should be submitted to The Mongolia Society no later than June 15, 2025.
The abstract must contain the paper title, be no more than 300 words, and include contact information (email address and telephone number).
Presenters whose abstracts are accepted, will have 20 minutes to present their paper.
Please send your abstract to Susie Drost at
The meeting and conference will be fully hybrid, so we welcome both in-person and virtual participation